10 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Job Benefits at Work

The benefits offered by your employer are an important part of job negotiations, at first. But many people forget just how many benefits are available to them during their time as a team member. You could probably be getting much more (and saving more money) by taking full advantage of your job benefits at work. Here are ten excellent tips to check your options and reap the rewards of employment.

1. Use Your Annual Health Care Benefits

HSAs and health insurance plans both involve an annual budget for health expenses that does not roll over. Make an effort to use your entire annual health care benefit with trips to the dentist, doctor, family care, and personal care.

2. Roll Forward Your 401K Retirement

If you have 401K accounts with previous employers, that money can easily get lost. Roll those accounts forward to be managed by your current employer and gain the benefits of a larger managed account.

3. Contribute to Your Retirement Plan

Many employers match the amount you put into the retirement plan, or reward bigger contributions in other ways. Put more into your retirement to get more out in the future.

4. Make Use of Your Wellness Perks

Many employers today offer wellness perks that are discussed and unused. You might have gym credits, an equipment budget, or healthy eating incentives that could be making your life better. Find out your wellness perks and get creative about using them to keep yourself well.

5. Negotiate for Personally Optimal Benefits

If your job contract is up for renewal, think about changes you might make. Trade benefits you're not using for benefits you want. Negotiate with your employer in a friendly way and talk about optimizing both perks and performance. 

6. Attend Events and Bring the Family

Company events are part of your employee benefits. Picnics, parties, raffles, and dinners are often catered and hosted for the enjoyment of the staff. To get the most from your benefits, attend. Bring the family, when appropriate, so everyone has a great time.

7. Use Available Financial Benefits

Financial benefits are both the most overlooked and the most valuable. Your employer might offer financial management services, excellent financing options, and in-house financial advice just to start the possible list of available benefits.

8. Ask for Equipment and Data Plans

You might be able to save money by using company devices and plans. If you need a laptop or phone for your job, ask that your next device upgrade be done through the company.

9. Go Back to School

Many employers offer benefits and subsidies for employees furthering their education. From professional certification to returning to college, talk to your employer about educational benefits.

10. Encourage Your Spouse to Do the Same

Last but not least, encourage your spouse or partner to do the same. If you share a household, your family can enjoy some of your benefits and you may enjoy some of theirs.

Employee benefits at work are a great way to reduce your expenses and achieve a greater quality of life using what is available to you right now.

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