Eight Fun and Safe Ways to Celebrate Halloween This Year

Current circumstances may prevent us from celebrating Halloween and trick-or-treating like we used to. Have no fear (well, have a little) there are still plenty of fun ways to keep the kids--or adults-- entertained with festive Halloween activities. For the horror enthusiasts out there, we've rounded up eight spooky ways you can celebrate this year.

Horror Movie Night

Have a themed horror movie night (think 90's movies or old Disney flicks). You can watch movies like Halloweentown or Hocus Pocus if your young ones have yet to experience these two classics. The Craft and Practical Magic are also nostalgic wonders. If you are really into getting scared, try The Descent or Cabin Fever. Make some popcorn, grab your coziest blanket, and nestle into your couch for a relaxing--or, unsettling night.

Reverse Trick-or-Treating

Instead of going door-to-door, try making a fun Halloween goodie bag and dropping it off at your neighbors. Even if just a couple doorsteps, you can write a note that asks them to return the favor to another neighbor. Get creative with these Halloween goodie bags and add some candy, coloring books, or party favors for little ones.

Have a Baking Contest

Gather your friends or neighbors and throw a baking contest on who has the spookiest treat. These repulsive eyeballs will win the contest, no doubt. If you would rather have something more pleasing to look at, these black cat donuts look delicious.

Make Witches Brew Slime

Slime is all the rage among children these days, so let's give the little gremlins what they ask for. This witches slime tutorial will keep them entertained and allow mom and dad to have a cocktail in the comfort of their own home.

Halloween Scavenger Hunt

If the weather permits, take your scavenger hunt outside and leave fun clues leading up to a nice big pile of candy. Here are some premade cards to send the kiddos off on a chilling adventure. Don't hesitate to add some of your own jump scares along the way. For the tweens in your household, create a list of unusual and fun items that they have to go around and take photos of as proof.

Host a Game Night

Send the kids outside with some family-friendly Halloween activities like this "Feed the Monster" game or a simple and easy toilet paper mummy-sack race. The objective is to wrap yourself in teepee and cross the finish line without tearing through. For the adults, consider having a tarot card reading session yourself or invite a true psychic over. If you are really in the mood and up for the time it takes to plan, consider a murder mystery party.

Roast Pumpkin Seeds

It's not Halloween unless you carve some pumpkins. After you've carved your award-winning Jack-O-Lantern, don't let the "guts" of the pumpkin go to waste-- instead, scoop out the seeds and roast up this delicious recipe.

Campfire and Ghost Stories

Treat yourself to some spiked (or not) apple cider and gather around the campfire for some creepy ghost stories. There are plenty to retell online, or better yet, share some sinister stories you've experienced or heard through the grapevine. Don't forget, no campfire is complete without some tasty S'mores.

Halloween is the time to let loose and have fun. All these versatile activities can be done with family, with friends, or with family and friends. With free downloads via internet, you don't have to break the bank either. Virtual adventures has taken on an entirely new meaning in 2020, and we want to provide helpful, cost-efficient solutions to you and your family.

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